Friday, January 23, 2009

Time marches on and deadlines approach....

People who looked at our house just came by for a SECOND showing....and Papa Pan has an interview for a DREAM job that would, among other fabulous things, mean a whole 10 minute commute from the little hobby farm we have an accepted offer in on.

Tick! tock! tick! tock!

Send good thoughts!

While they were going through the house we went for a drive to go see the farm. Smoke curling from the chimney, cold and clear - the view of the mountain is amazing. The neighbourhood horses all out in their blankets and frosty beards. Cold here today by Nova Scotia standards - minus 15. We met a man and his Siberians on the way back (from picking up scallops for dinner - 4.99 a lb for local ones!) and Mica (our Sibe) was overjoyed to have members of her clan to play with.

All the way back Nature Girl told me about the additions she'd like to make to the tree fort that is in the back yard.

I'm dreaming about this cool Nature Experience program that my friend C told me about that's running back in Chelsea for homeschoolers. It would be absolutely perfect for Nature Girl and Wild Thing to take part in. I think I need an introduction to the woman running it, maybe I can set something up like this.

Update: They want our house!!! There is the sticky issue of their needing to sell a piece of property in order to have the down payment. So send them good thoughts too.

Life here is very much up in the air with too many prospects and I've been praying for some sign of which direction we should go in. I've been willing to take signs from all sources (veiled, I'm sorry, this being the internet and all) without being my usual too trusting self and things have been a little too silent. So maybe it was too much to ask for. I think I should narrow my focus more intently and go back to praying for this farm, this specific dream.


krista said...

i am thinking good thoughts just in general for you and your beautiful family, mud mama.
i can't wait to hear the stories from this new journey in your life.

Anonymous said...

Fingers crossed for you all! I hope it all goes through ok!