Friday, November 13, 2009

Introducing: Wild Culture Farm

Laneway leading up to it (pastures on either side of the lane)
The house isn't pretty (it will be!) but she is structurally sound - the ramshackle long back part is workshop and woodshed with loft.
The pond (needs a good dethatching with a backhoe). It is fed by underground spring - no pond scum, lots of watercress though!
Through the garden gate (fully fenced with deer fencing).

So here's the story.

My friend Summer knew what we wanted to find and that we had shrunk our space requirements more and more in an effort to find a place we could afford. Finally she told me to stop thinking Wolfville and to look further afield. She said she was as involved in Wolfville out in the Valley as she was in town. Nothing about that would change, but we could afford what we wanted and we'd be SURROUNDED by others who had the exact same reasons for being there. She mentioned two towns Margaretville and Berwick surrounds

Yes ma'am!

I found what looked good 172 000 17 acres, potential for 65 , 100 year old house and a ramshackle barn that needed new shingles. The house had newish siding and new windows and a new furnace. We arranged to view it and the agent advised us we could walk the property without him, it would be fine. We went for a hike. It was BEAUTIFUL but the farm side of this property had been totally neglected for atleast 20 years. It was totally intimidating. I felt a little sick. Before we left Papa Pan arranged to meet a local who is an arts organizer and a "come from away" after we'd done our hike. We wanted to discuss what it was like living here, being a come from away, the arts scene...etc.

We visited the theatre with him (in a beautiful old church) and talked for an hour about his own homesteading there (he and his ex arrived here 31 years ago and established a self sufficient farm, studied forestry, reforested part of their 200 acres, practiced organic farming , raised all their own meat, bred sheep for specialty fibre, bred ducks. They'd started off with a 160 year old farm and then designed and built a new house after the kids left home further back on the property. They'd split up and she lived in the new house and he lived in the old house until she left for New Brunswick and he'd bought her out.

We described what we wanted to be able to do - live simply and and have my toymaking business and art entirely sustainable with products from our own land - a closed loop. Then he said...

"I don't know if this is crass, but I'm wanting to sell the original homestead and 10 acres. Would you like to see it?"

I cried when we drove up the lane.

We saw everything discussed the problems with the place. Discussed deeded access to the pastures and forest. Then held our breathe after asking "How much?"

100 000 and we don't need to do anything about it until our house sells.

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Carolyn said...

Wow, Kerry...this sounds like it was meant to happen!

Avital said...

I've been lurking (and loving!) your blog for some time, and following your attempts to find a house. This is so beautiful and perfect for makes me think the universe was holding this just for you, it's no wonder the other homes you looked at didn't work out.

Congratulations! I hope your house sells quickly!

Oma said...

Wonderful news!!!

Kerry said...

Thanks Mama Vee!!!

Carolyn I think this explains all the trouble we've been through in the sale of the house. We would not have looked this far along (40 minutes from Wolfville) before but now we have established enough community roots that 40 minutes into town isn't a big deal. (It's 10 minutes from a much bigger town btw - just a different "feeling" than Wolfville if you catch my drift - the difference between Wakefild and hmmmm Gatineau...if Gatineau had an airbase.

krista said...

i'm so so happy you found a home!!! it sounds as though it was (finally) meant to be...and i'm looking forward to hearing how this new space grows with you.