Monday, October 19, 2009

A Wee Little Pity Party

I am so tired of showing our house. I'm so tired of second showing our house and then being runner up in the "which house will we buy" show. 2nd runner up is for chumps.

It isn't the cleaning I don't like...I kinda like the push to wipe hand prints off of light switches and getting every last dust bunny from under the bed.

What I hate with a passion is that while we are showing the house wonderful kid art cluttering the windows and spilling out of sketchpads and filling the walls is a big fat NO NO. The giant block castle they made has to be dismantled. I hate the sterility of it all. And we've been living like this for a YEAR now.

The kids watched Mathilda and I looked at the bright happy classroom, and them hurridly packing it all away before the mean headmistress comes in, and I thought "This is how I feel every time we have a showing!"

I just want it to end!

In our new house there will be kids art work and projects on the go EVERYWHERE. Our family photos will fill the whole stairwell upstairs. I'll fill every corner with US. I will leave our library books out in a giant pile. The pillows and sheepskins will stay on the floor filling reading nook corners and the binkbeds can be a pirate ship for weeks on end.
A family from Halifax is coming tomorrow to see the house. Please let them buy our house so we can be in ours before winter!


Oma said...

You have no idea how completely I empathise with you ... good luck with this showing.

Wendy said...

I'm not in my house waiting for it to sell, so I don't have to go through that. But it has been sitting on the market back in the states for a year now. Ugh.

I hope yours takes "first place" tomorrow! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh, take heart... we listed our house over a year ago, it's a gorgeous 2 story home on 6 acres over looking rolling hills and mountains... wild life is abundant... we had one, 'one' viewing the first week the house was listed... and I have come to the conclusion that just maybe, it's not our time to relocate just yet... the perfect house is waiting for us, but perhaps it's inhabitants are just not aware that it's time for them to move their pony show along... so mine can hussle on in.

You have memories in this current home and stop putting your life away to impress the five minute lurkers... if they have no imagination, perhaps your home isn't meant for them, because from what I can tell, it is riddled with wild times and lively imaginings of tiny Spirits that have a story to tell...

Good luck to you and yours tomorrow... I'll whisper a little prayer that just the right family will venture through and see within your walls, their tomorrows.

Sincerely, a lurker of your wonderful blog. =)

Please forgive my typos...

Unknown said...

You're doing everything right with your showings. Potential buyers want to picture themselves in the house. They can't do that if there's too much of someone else. At least you know it will end eventually, and then you can get back to regular living.

Anonymous said...

Maybe just once or twice you should tell realtor lady - HEY we've been doing it your way for a year now and NUTHIN'! How about we do it my way for a while and see what happens.

krista said...

hoping it's going well...