Saturday, September 12, 2009

I'm in a SIMPLIFY mood

e live in a bungalow with a very functional basement. Problem is, no one really likes being in the basement except Darkmirror WHO LOVES THE BASEMENT. So I've been trying to find a way to simplify things and deal with the recurring arguments that happen on the main floor.

The big issue is naptime. Everyone agrees on a quiet time while Sprout has his afternoon nap. I LOATHE making quiet time "please watch a video and be QUIET!!!" time. There is inevitably some issue with people wanting things out of the room Sprout is napping in though. I don't want a big conflict over this and I really hate having the same argument over and over again

So we're trying out an idea. The western bedroom is now becoming the "night" room - with JUST beds and clothes in it. Toys that no one wants Sprout getting into and art supplies I don't mind coming out of the studio space (so NO paint, paste, or shakers of sparkles) will live in the eastern "day" room. They can use this room any time they want to be able to close a door and read a book, or build with blocks and minis, or build a polly house, or draw without chasing Sprout who grabs markers. It must be tidied after dinner. If Nature Girl wants to stay up reading later than the little's bedtime, she can go and snuggle into bed in there.

And what of the basement?

The studio and the playroom are getting an overhaul too. The studio remains the studio but I'm making the kids take more responsibility for tidying up after themselves (they do love scissors and paper and glue and sparkles) and reorganizing things so they can put stuff away easily. The playroom is becoming more of a homeschooling/family room.

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